Sunday, September 29, 2024

Programming 8080/8085 MicroProcessor

Hi All,
Well I did not think that I would be writing such a post on a very old topic...some might think that it's outdated and some it's irrelevant...but as I was reading on the architecture and programming in 8080 and 8085, I thought it would be interesting to write some series of post right from the discussion of architecture to complex programing of the 8080/8085 microprocessors.
Definitely yes, it is a very old story to be told again, but for new comers this is yet an other spot to hear the story of 8080/8085 microprocessors.
I am not going to talk about history/geography of 8080/8085, the intention is to have a detailed talk on the technical aspect of fore mentioned microprocessors and programming the same at the assembly language level.
Well with that said, let us dive in to the world of 8080/8085 to understand it better...
The following sections gives the pin and architecture diagram of 8080 and 8085
Intel 8080
Pin Diagram of 8080
Architecture Diagram of 8080
Intel 8085
Pin Diagram of 8085
Architecture Diagram of 8085
Though we have a lot of changes at the architecture level between 8080 and 8085, the instruction set between these two would not differ that much except few additions in 8085 than 8080.

The instruction set of both of these microprocessors are detailed in the next chapter. For details please do check the link below...

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