Saturday, December 26, 2020

Chapter 3 : Mounting the Partitions of the Disk


This posts discusses on exporting the environment variable "LFS" and Mounting the partitions that we created on the chapter-02  for further proceedings...

Let us use the following command to export the variable, open an terminal and key in the following command

$ export LFS=/mnt/lfs

The above location is the mount point where the partitions are be to mounted...

Mounting the lfs partition to the mount point

Use the following command to a directory named "lfs" under the directory "/mnt"

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/lfs

the above command, if prompted for password key in the password associated with the user

Use the following command to mount the lfs partition "/dev/sde2" to the location "/mnt/lfs"

$ sudo mount -v -t ext4 /dev/sde2 $LFS


As a result of this action you can find a directory called "boot" and "lost+found" at the lfs mount point location

If you do not find the boot directory under /mnt/lfs... you can create one using the following command...

$ sudo mkdir $LFS/boot

Mounting the boot partition to the mount point

The location /boot is the mounting point for the boot partition "/dev/sde1".

Now mount the boot partition at the mount point, using the following command

$ sudo mount -v -t ext2 /dev/sde1 $LFS/boot


You can assert your action from the images given above...

Mounting the Swap partition

The last partition to be mounted is the swap partition, which can be done using the command below...

$ sudo swapon -v /dev/sde3


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